magicart™ project @ k99 { hk }

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k99 (hk ) is a fast growing international solutions provider, a real leader in iIoT and B2B IoT technologies.

It is the heart and engine behind the magicart project development, responsible for all the technology design and intellectual property development.

From our propriety software to cloud technologies, from Database integration to mechanical design and production , k99 (hk )strong multidisciplinary team has a vast multi-year experience in large system designs and architecture, for the retail industry, the hospitality industry, logistics and manufacturing.


Click on the logo above ( or here ) to get more details about k99 ( hk ) and it’s technologies that power the magicart project.

Or contact us directly at :
magic carts™ @k99
13FL Qualipak Tower
122 Connaught Rd W.
Hong kong

HK : ( + 852 ) 5100 4121
CN : ( + 86 ) 159 17019090

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